Video surveillance resource library

Browse our resources for information about how to make your business safer and more efficient with video surveillance

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How can I know what video surveillance equipment is best for my business?

Video surveillance has several benefits, but designing the right system for your business can be complicated. Take a crash course in the technology and terminology in our buyer’s guide to video surveillance systems.  


Download the buyer's guide









Case study: Creating a safer and more efficient work environment through video surveillance

New technology solutions can immediately have a positive impact on operations, safety, and efficiency. See how video surveillance can help you improve workplace safety and security.


Download the case study










Combining business intelligence with video analytics

What if you could bring all of you business data together in one platform and present it in a way that gives you new insight into ways to improve your operations? This white paper can help you gain a clear understanding of the video integration technology available today. 


Download the white paper




 Video Resources:

Clinton Electronics | Stop Retail Crime