Employees: The Internal Customer

Focusing on the customer has always been a top priority for all business owners, and a recent surge in customer loyalty programs reflects the necessity of ongoing customer satisfaction. After all, without customers, there is no business. While a steady flow of customers is important, it is also essential to maintain your “internal” customers: your employees.


QSR Magazine reports, “To build a team of employees who respect the company and always prove loyal, the company must show respect for its staff.” Numerous studies have proven that happy employees are both more productive and more likely to stay with their company. A crew of friendly faces, who love to do their job well, is key in attracting and keeping business.


An effective surveillance solution not only assists in theft situations, but it can also be utilized as a tool to improve the work environment and employee moral:


  1. Rewarding good behavior: Do spot checks on employees and reward staff for going above and beyond, keeping the store clean, and exhibiting excellent customer service.
  2. Safety and security: Nothing helps with employee well-being more than a feeling of safety. Cameras give staff a peace of mind by deterring crime and serving as a witness 24/7/365. Encourage staff to check on the cameras before exiting the back door or while making deposits.
  3. Impartial eye in the sky: Settle employee disagreements the right way with an undisputable analysis of events. Eliminate he said /she said arguments.
  4. Operational improvement: Give your employees the tools they need to do their best. Secondary and drive thru monitors allow staff to view cars in the stack or customers in line.


iTech Digital can assist business owners with reviewing these criteria. A customized Profit Guard Report will give you a personalized snapshot of your business and identify areas for improvement, as well as the quality and efficiency of employee service. We’ll take care of the details, so you can focus on taking care of your customers and employees.

Ashley Schalk
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