When Choosing Video Surveillance Resolution, Ask Yourself These Questions

One of the biggest considerations when researching cameras is choosing the right video quality. Video surveillance resolution is one of those make-or-break decisions that affects whether or not your system will deliver the quality video you are looking for.


There are a few ways you can make this decision. We go more in depth in our guide to choosing a video surveillance solution (more info here), but here’s a rundown of what to consider when choosing video surveillance resolution.


It’s all about Pixels Per Foot (PPF)


For most organizations it boils down to the purpose of your video surveillance. For example, you may be looking for better resolution to recognize faces and license plates. In other instances, you may only need a general idea of what is happening in a large field of view and lower resolutions is fine.


The rule of thumb is that good general surveillance video requires 25 (PPF). However, you may need to go up to 40 PPF for facial or license plate recognition and 80 PPF for high quality machine vision.


PPF is one of the best ways to ensure you have the needed video quality. IP cameras have a much higher number of pixels per camera than analog. Applied correctly, an IP camera can cover a larger area and provide better resolution of your targeted field of view.



Horizontal Coverage Chart




Part of public debate between IP and analog video is which has better resolution. Both analog and IP cameras have benefits, but you can achieve great video quality and great value from either category, if the solution is designed correctly for your application.



Businesses need to ask questions and consider all their surveillance needs in order to identify a system that fits your budget and provides the best solutions. Choosing an integrator that is willing to listen to your specific needs and then design a solution around those needs is the key in getting a system that will support your business. If an integrator is showing you a solution before asking questions to really understand your business requirements, you may be being pushed into a product instead of having a system designed for you.  


Doug Jones
ITech Digital offers experienced security professionals who partner with organizations across the nation to design custom security solutions for industries like retail, restaurants, and commercial properties.
Which video surveillance system is right for my organization?
Video surveillance has several benefits, but designing the right system for your organization can be complicated. Take a crash course in the technology and terminology in our buyer’s guide to video surveillance systems.
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