Safety and Security Signage - Only half the answer.

We see these signs every day in all kinds of environments... or do we? Many times, these warnings become lost in the mirage of company advertising and décor. There's no question that companies should continue utilizing these safety tools, but it is important to recognize that signage is only half of the answer.

slip and fall safety signage blog

Warnings and Incidents 

Using signage is a great way to alert customers of possible dangers nearby. Wondering which safety signs your business should definitely have? Take a look at this blog about the 10 Must-Have Safety Signs for OSHA Compliance. While signs can be very useful, not everyone heeds these warnings- that is where video comes in. Video surveillance acts as an objective party to any incident that may occur within your business. The combination of video surveillance and warning signage brings clear answers and data to confusing situations. 

Safety signage and securitySignage is often used to eliminate liability and responsibility for incidents.

In some cases this works, but over 40% of the time you have to at least prove that the person in question was able to see the sign. A Fitness Facility had 3 “Park at Your Own Risk” signs, but still lost a law suit because the person was not able to see one of the signs from where they were parked. Another factor to consider when utilizing signage is the underlying message of the sign itself. We need to understand what a sign like this conveys to our customers. I would submit to you that  "Park at your own risk" could be interpreted as “We know there is a problem, but we don’t care." As someone who travels frequently, I am always sure to ask the hotels that I stay in if they have cameras covering their parking lots. Video surveillance offers peace of mind to customers and businesses alike by offering an objective witness to any situation that arises.

safety signage and risk managementRisk Management that works

I love this Burger Crossing safety sign, but the owner of this QSR restaurant chain also has plenty of cameras to view any incidents that might come into play. Their Risk Management team relies on the video to create safety policy and support Workman’s Comp claims for employees, as well as review customer complaints. Today there are many cost-effective IP/HD video solutions that range from a single camera to multi camera solutions.

Using the button below, contact our ITech Digital team to help you customize a video solution that will meet your specific needs and enhance your signage program.


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Doug Jones
ITech Digital offers experienced security professionals who partner with organizations across the nation to design custom security solutions for industries like retail, restaurants, and commercial properties.

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