Blog articles about loss prevention, safety, and video surveillance

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4 Ways Building Access Control Systems Can Help Prevent Loss

Loss can creep into buildings and businesses in a variety of ways. One way to help prevent loss is to boost the safety and security of your building with an access control system.

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3 Ways Retailers can Maximize Their CCTV Systems for Loss Prevention

CCTV Systems have long been a powerful weapon in the retail battle to prevent loss and limit liability. Here are 3 ways to get the most out of your Video Surveillance system.


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How Adding Cameras at the Point of Sale Can Boost Restaurant Profits

In every restaurant there are countless variables contributing to loss at the point of sale. It could be a combination of many factors: inefficiencies at the drive thru, long wait times, or losses at the register due to excessive manager meals, coupons, or overrides. But once your point of sale system tells you there’s a problem, how do you know what to do to solve it?

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Real-Time Temperature Monitoring: How Video Surveillance Can Save You Money

We understand that a high quality Video Surveillance Solution is a significant but necessary investment for your organization. Our goal is to maximize this investment to work for your business.

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6 Helpful Tips for Deterring Employee Theft at Your Business

Do some research: Determine if potential employees are trustworthy. Always checks applicants' references. When high school students apply, contact their guidance counselors. A few minutes of time when hiring could save you from thousands of losses due to theft down the road.

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P.O.S.: Point of Surveillance

QSR and Retail operators understand the importance of having surveillance in the all sensitive areas of their businesses. Perhaps no other location is more crucial than at the POS (Point-of-Sale) terminals. Every day, millions of dollars are lost at the POS, ranging from unauthorized employee discounts, time card fraud, coupon re-use, even outright cash theft. Cameras capturing the events at each register are key, but why not take it a step further?

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One for You One for Me?

Employee theft is often considered the single largest cause of retail shrinkage. QSR reports that “Intentional shrinkage usually occurs during checkout when an employee takes orders, accepts more cash for the purchase than he/she enters into the POS system, and then pockets the extra cash.”

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Say No to Sweet-hearting <3

Most owners recognize that direct employee theft and customer shoplifting occur, but what about Sweet-hearting? Often unnoticed by managers, this discrete form of theft involves giving employee discounts and free products to friends and family members. Employees find creative ways to steal, including these three major types of Sweet-hearting:

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Keep An Eye On The Doors

It’s no secret that when product goes out the back door instead of the front, profitably decreases. Owner / Operators know that it’s an ongoing challenge to balance proper use of back doors (receiving inventory and trash removal) with unapproved uses (smoke breaks and employee theft).

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Who Took the Beef?

Topping $604 billion in annual sales and employing 12.8 people, the restaurant industry is a major component of the US economy. The industry’s overall economic impact is valued at $1.7 trillion, and with a nation trying to pull out of a recession, it’s a shame that restaurant owners lose a substantial portion of their sales every year to employee theft.

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